Monday 19 October 2015

How to Make a WoW: Blood Elf Mage Staff

How to make a WoW: Blood Elf Mage Staff

Turns out curtain rods make excellent staves! This particular one was on sale at Lincraft for $15. It is 2 meters long and perfect thickness for a staff, though it is a little heavy after holding it awhile. The things we Cosplayers put ourselves through!

The curtain rod set came with rod ends and curtain rings, perfect for the detailing I planned to include on the staff.

I wanted LEDs in my staff head, so rigged up a water bottle to the top end, so that I could screw it off to switch on/off the LED kit.

I secured the rings by using a craft putty as a glue/filler, followed by some Modge Podge over the top, for added strength. 


 A few layers of gold paint later, and it was looking pretty sexy!

The best part was when my printer decided to run out of ink, so, not to be defeated, I sticky taped paper over my monitor to trace out my diamond pattern for the staff head.

After my paper template was perfect, I started on the wire frame, using florist wire to bend and tie together, using the paper template to guide me.

The LEDS came with a battery pack, so I rolled them up in cellopane and shoved them into the wire, making sure the battery pack was at the bottom so I could switch it on via the bottleneck.

A few layers of cellopane over the top, using Super Glue and swearing to shove it into the waterbottle top, it was done and ready for PAX AUS 2015!

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